Bella & An Alternate Narrative in Treating Kissing Spine
These are "before and after" x-rays of a horse named Bella with Kissing Spine taken 18 days apart. This horse was 'treated' with our Thera-Tree and ridden in our saddle with Smart Ride Rx technology. NO OTHER THERAPIES, DRUGS OR SUPPLEMENTS WERE GIVEN.
Here's the back story:
Horses hollow their backs to avoid the pressure of painful saddles. If this persists, over time the tips of the spinous processes become closer together. This condition is commonly known as Kissing Spine.
Many of our customers have had great success using our saddles on horses that have been diagnosed with this condition. The technology has allowed these horses to relax their back muscles, creating more space between the tips.
We've been looking for an opportunity to showcase the effects of our technology.
These x-rays belong to Bella, a 10 year old OTTb mare diagnosed on March 8th of this year with Kissing Spine. She had become increasingly difficult to ride and had been out of work for several months. Recommended therapies included continued osteopathic manipulation, surgery or a series of injections. Euthanasia was also discussed.
Learning of her condition, Tad invited her owner, Patsy Richards, to bring Bella to his stable for a Kissing Spine Challenge: Would it be possible, using the Thera-Tree and Smart Ride Rx technology, to put Bella back in work and demonstrate, using radiographs, that her condition could be improved?
Bella received no therapies, drugs or supplements of any kind from March 8th on.
She arrived on March 16. She spent several hours each day in the Thera-Tree both before and after being ridden by Tad. Each day her pain level decreased and her willingness to work through her back improved.
Bella was x-rayed again on April 3 by the same veterinarian, two and half weeks after arriving. The results, plainly visible, are astonishing. The attending veterinarian confirmed that the spine was 85% back to normal condition. Again, this all happened in the course of 18 days.
Bella continues her work with Tad for another month. We will have x-rays taken again before she returns home to Patsy to be ridden in her new TC saddle.
Creating saddles that allow horses to use their backs correctly has been Tad's focus for over 25 years. It has been the driving force behind the evolution of our technology.
Bella, under saddle with Tad riding in his SmartRide Rx saddle
This photo is from Bella’s last ride at TCPS. It is a joyful comparison to the mare who was unwilling to go forward due to a painful condition known as Kissing Spine just two months prior to her “treatment”.
The series of photos tell the before and after story of what 60 days of using the Thera-Tree and only being ridden in Tad Coffin’s Smart Ride Rx saddle looks like. During this time Bella received no other therapies, no supplements or medications, and there was no saddle customization or change in saddle padding or shims to the pad.
Patsy Richards, Bella’s owner, wrote this:
“Miracle. That’s all I can say as I trot my mare. This is Bella. This is the horse who had become so unrideable that two months ago I had discussed euthanasia with my vet. This is the foxhunter prospect I bought with great optimism and then carried for two and a half years of countless vet bills, supplements, saddle fittings, osteopathy, massage therapy, hock injections, consultation with horse whisperers and behavioral experts. And almost no riding. This is the horse we finally x-rayed and found had a clear case of Kissing Spine.
This is Bella moving freely and willingly under saddle. After only eighteen days of consistent use of the Thera-Tree and riding in Tad’s saddle her next set of x-rays were described by my vet as bringing her within 85 percent of normal spine function.
This is Bella now after just over two months of continued riding and Thera-Tree “therapy”. Back home and greeting the dawn in her field, lounging contentedly in her stall, heading out calmly for the morning’s work. This is Bella. Walking during the warm up not the least bit concerned about the other mare calling out, not troubled by the workmen using tools and making noise. Trotting with all the softness and confidence of the best riding partner. This is Bella who had become frantic at being left behind, who had refused to walk down to the ring, who had chewed on fences and was fearful of almost everything.
In case you have assumed that it is Olympic Gold Medal riding that explains Bella’s improvement you are wrong. I’m no Tad Coffin—I’m just an average lifelong foxhunter with no advanced or sophisticated riding skills. And this is Bella. Moving just as comfortably under saddle with me back home as she did in Ruckersville with Tad. It’s not the rider—it’s the combination of Thera-Tree and saddle. There is no question that Tad’s excellence in riding played a critical role. Each time he rode he urged Bella to explore bending and moving her body in ways that had previously generated pain. In doing this she learned to forget the pain and regained her confidence. But in truth, with a Thera-Tree and Coffin Performance Saddle any of us can achieve a similar result. It may take a bit longer but it’s equipment not the rider.
We’ve all heard testimonials that challenge credulity—I’m now riding and enjoying one every day. This is Bella. And this is Thera-Tree and SmartRideRx.” -Patsy Richards
“Pago” & The Thera-Tree for Anxiety & Ulcers
Here’s the story of a horse named Pago, Dr. Castro’s patient, in his owner’s words:
“We have had mind blowing progress since beginning use of the Tad Coffin Thera-Tree! I honestly don’t have enough good words to describe the positive changes that we have seen over the last month. Pago is truly a different horse! His medical issues, ulcers, and anxiety made him almost completely unrideable, and now he is not only rideable again, but he is thriving and learning.
There is quite a bit to Pago’s story, but mainly his anxiety was just out of control. So much so that he developed new ulcers while being on vet prescribed treatment for existing ulcers. (He was scoped every 28 days for multiple months of treatment). Pago became practically unrideable for months and months. Under saddle he spooked and bolted nonstop. My daughter went from jumping courses to not even being able to walk/trot for 20 mins because he became so worked up. He has always suffered from anxiety and we noticed that when he has active ulcers, his anxiety is almost unmanageable. Healing the ulcers was difficult because without getting his anxiety under control, the ulcers would just come back immediately after treatment.
When we began using the Thera-Tree in March, we immediately noticed a dramatic improvement of his anxiety. Pago is calmer and more focused. While he still does worry, he is able to work through it much faster and is now trainable again. He went from barely able to be ridden, to now being ridden for an hour each lesson and not only walk, trot, canter, but is able to jump again without bolting after the jumps.
He wears the Thera-Tree while trailering and at vet appointments. We have noticed improvement in his behavior everywhere we go when he wears the Thera-Tree. Going to the vet used to be an ordeal because we couldn’t even get him on the trailer or then into the exam room. And once he was in there, he ran around in a circle the whole time. So, it was HUGE that last week, he calmly walked into the exam room and didn’t move the entire time he was examined. Dr. Castro said he had never even seen Pago so relaxed during a vet visit. He actually started falling asleep with no sedation.
The farrier, too, has been shocked by the improvement in Pago’s behavior. We didn’t tell him anything about it and so he was wondering who in the world the horse was that was standing quietly for the first time while getting shoes today.
The cost of the pharmaceutical protocol was astronomical: brand-name omeprazole for a tube a day for the initial 28 day treatment of ulcers is roughly $981. For the daily dose, it is roughly 6 tubes a month at $35 a tube, so $210 a month. Pago has been treated for ulcers 3 times in the past year, and has lived on the daily dose for several months. By comparison, the Thera-Tree rental is less than $9 per day and when circulated on horses throughout the barn, it treats many horses in the same day for the same money. Having gone through this with Pago, I’d say a tool to prevent ulcers is invaluable! I wish I had known about the Thera-Tree earlier.
My daughter is now so excited to work with Pago. He is becoming better and better every day now that he is able to focus and really concentrate on what she is asking of him. He has stopped being worried about leg pressure and corners, and collection, and bending, and scary things that have been there the whole time but are only scary after 20 mins (lol). He has grown by leaps and bounds already and I am so excited that with the Thera-Tree, we have the tools and program in place to finally be able to enjoy our horse and train him to his full potential.” ~ from Melissa Walker
Alexandra Jackson
This video was created by my husband, Wade Jackson and I in appreciation of Tad Coffin Saddles. My name is Alexandra Jackson and I am the owner of Bainbridge Island Riding School, an accredited USHJA Riding Academy, where our program services the young riders of Bainbridge Island, WA offering lessons and summer equestrian programs.
Wade Jackson is a an award winning commercial and film director based between the United States and the United Kingdom. He has worked on projects as large as national campaigns, as well as smaller projects for smaller companies with compelling stories. Wade is currently in production on his first feature film, entitled Breaker that features the bond between man and horse.
Melissa Holland, DVM, DACVA
This thing is just too intriguing for words! As with all things new, there will be naysayers and skeptics. I’m one myself. But here’s the thing that I think I forget sometimes: My chiropractor teachers told us that just because the animals don’t speak your language doesn’t mean they are not talking. You just aren’t listening. You think you know your horse and his quirks until something that you change makes you realize that it’s not the horse with the quirks. Quirks are just compensation for the rider not getting through with his message. This saddle feels like a translator. And, if you are listening, the horse is telling you what he’s hearing. It’s a revelation. You just never know what will cross your path when all you want to do is improve your horse’s life, even if you are not quite sure it needs improving. Something is just nagging at you, so you go searching.
Virginia Tech -Al
My name is Sara Gordon and I’m currently a junior at Virginia Tech, majoring in multimedia journalism with a minor in animal science with an equine emphasis. I’ve been riding since I was 4, with a love of horses all of my life, and I’m currently a member of the Virginia Tech Hunter Team. My goal is to combine my passion for journalism and media, with my love of horses, into a prosperous career involved with equine publication, journalism, or media relations.
At Virginia Tech, I’m also currently the PR officer for the VT Equestrian Club, where I was lucky enough to meet with and film Tad Coffin’s demo at our club meeting in November. To be able to watch how the extraordinary technology within his saddles benefits the horse, especially watching it used on one of VT’s horses, was truly inspiring. I was so honored to be able to put together this video of our horse Al’s transformation, with Tad’s SmartRide RX technology. Please enjoy!
Cecelia Byers
I cannot believe the changes I have seen in my horses since receiving my new Rx saddle about 6 weeks ago. This saddle truly is magical. I can’t thank you enough; this saddle is making a real difference for 2 horses with significant back & neck issues.
Here’s the story of a horse named Pago, Dr. Castro’s patient, in his owner’s words:
“Pago” & The Thera-Tree~ from Melissa Walker
“We have had mind blowing progress since beginning use of the Tad Coffin Thera-Tree! I honestly don’t have enough good words to describe the positive changes that we have seen over the last month. Pago is truly a different horse! His medical issues, ulcers, and anxiety made him almost completely unrideable, and now he is not only rideable again, but he is thriving and learning.
There is quite a bit to Pago’s story, but mainly his anxiety was just out of control. So much so that he developed new ulcers while being on vet prescribed treatment for existing ulcers. (He was scoped every 28 days for multiple months of treatment). Pago became practically unrideable for months and months. Under saddle he spooked and bolted nonstop. My daughter went from jumping courses to not even being able to walk/trot for 20 mins because he became so worked up. He has always suffered from anxiety and we noticed that when he has active ulcers, his anxiety is almost unmanageable. Healing the ulcers was difficult because without getting his anxiety under control, the ulcers would just come back immediately after treatment.
When we began using the Thera-Tree in March, we immediately noticed a dramatic improvement of his anxiety. Pago is calmer and more focused. While he still does worry, he is able to work through it much faster and is now trainable again. He went from barely able to be ridden, to now being ridden for an hour each lesson and not only walk, trot, canter, but is able to jump again without bolting after the jumps.
He wears the Thera-Tree while trailering and at vet appointments. We have noticed improvement in his behavior everywhere we go when he wears the Thera-Tree. Going to the vet used to be an ordeal because we couldn’t even get him on the trailer or then into the exam room. And once he was in there, he ran around in a circle the whole time. So, it was HUGE that last week, he calmly walked into the exam room and didn’t move the entire time he was examined. Dr. Castro said he had never even seen Pago so relaxed during a vet visit. He actually started falling asleep with no sedation.
The farrier, too, has been shocked by the improvement in Pago’s behavior. We didn’t tell him anything about it and so he was wondering who in the world the horse was that was standing quietly for the first time while getting shoes today.
The cost of the pharmaceutical protocol was astronomical: brand-name omeprazole for a tube a day for the initial 28 day treatment of ulcers is roughly $981. For the daily dose, it is roughly 6 tubes a month at $35 a tube, so $210 a month. Pago has been treated for ulcers 3 times in the past year, and has lived on the daily dose for several months. By comparison, the Thera-Tree rental is less than $9 per day and when circulated on horses throughout the barn, it treats many horses in the same day for the same money. Having gone through this with Pago, I’d say a tool to prevent ulcers is invaluable! I wish I had known about the Thera-Tree earlier.
My daughter is now so excited to work with Pago. He is becoming better and better every day now that he is able to focus and really concentrate on what she is asking of him. He has stopped being worried about leg pressure and corners, and collection, and bending, and scary things that have been there the whole time but are only scary after 20 mins (lol). He has grown by leaps and bounds already and I am so excited that with the Thera-Tree, we have the tools and program in place to finally be able to enjoy our horse and train him to his full potential.”